Our Woolston Preschool Philosophy

Our statement of what we as kaiako believe are important for us to teach and tamariki to learn at this preschool.  The highlighted words are our priorities for children’s learning.

We acknowledge the bicultural partnership inherent within Te Tiriti o Waitangi and we are committed to practising and developing te reo and tikānga Māori in all aspects of our teaching.

We recognise the importance of working together with whānau to value and respect their unique knowledge and contribution.  Together we will support each tamaiti through their ongoing learning and development.

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai ngā tamariki.

Your contribution and my contribution, our tamariki will strive.

We believe that we all have immense potential and relationships are the key that unlocks learning.  Within our Play based learning curriculum we have a strong focus on supporting tamariki to develop a wide range of social competence skills that enable them to develop respect for self, others and the environment and regulate their emotions and foster friendships.

The curriculum we offer provides tamariki with a wide range of experiences to foster early literacy and numeracy and build the strong foundation for ongoing learning.  Opportunities to play enable tamariki to explore the world around them and promote imagination, creativity and problem solving.

Our aspiration is to grow tamariki who are resilient physically and emotionally and able to develop lifelong self-help skills that will become their compass and guide them through life.

Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia ō tātou māhi

Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work